Hunter Heights Greenbrier
Homes For Sale In The Hunter Heights Subdivision
Hunter Heights Real Estate Market Information
Year 905_f49e33-fa> |
Homes Sold 905_deb5b2-fb> |
Median Price 905_5d640f-fc> |
Days on Market 905_128b46-83> |
Sq.Ft. Price 905_02e7ae-ea> |
2024 905_85782c-20> |
12 905_499910-15> |
$220,500 905_113475-72> |
15 905_82f53c-9c> |
$143.57 905_7a7b34-1b> |
2023 905_379653-9e> |
9 905_670467-00> |
$220,000 905_d5c7b0-c8> |
1 905_0368e3-dc> |
$142.84 905_21eb41-56> |
2022 905_47dcf4-b3> |
18 905_77e063-71> |
$221,500 905_528cbc-ae> |
5 905_a18196-1d> |
$139.75 905_8c66ff-af> |
The average square footage of homes in Hunter Heights in Greenbrier is 1,567. This subdivision is close to Eastside Elementary School in the Greenbrier School District.
2021 Sales Data
Nine Homes sold in Hunter Heights in 2021 with an average sale price of $179,700. The average list price of those homes was $177,789. Seven out of the nine sold at or above list price.
This sale price data for the same time period is below the average price of homes sold in Greenbrier which was $242,433 but homes in Hunter Heights did sell five days faster than the average Greenbrier home that lasted, on average, 21 days on the market.
1558 is the average square footage of these homes and $115.33 was the average sale price per square foot. 1372 square feet was the smallest property and 1747 was the largest listing sold out of the nine.
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